born July 13, 1946 in 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

Formal education:

Without formal education acquired knowlegde of:

Demography, planning, automatical data processing, may years of programming in FORTRAN, SPSS; wordprocessing, use of spreadsheets, use of PC, Mini and mainframecomputer; Excel, Word, Powerpoint.



Royal Committee for Toponymy & Dialectology, Flemish department (Brussels)

Townplanning advisory committee Breda:

(Foundation) Werkgroep Haagse Beemden:

1967-1982 Co-founder and president of the Werkgroep Haagse Beemden (later Foundation). This studygroup has as an aim the study of the history of the village of Princenhage (5 km west of Breda) in the most widest sense; the dissemination of the results thereof by means of the journal "Hage"; and to contribute to the future development of the region of the former parish Princenhage on the basis of the collected historical and other data. For this work the Werkgroep was awarded the biennial "Nassau-Breda-prize" 1970.

In the framework of the activities of the Werkgroep Haagse Beemden several specialistical researches were initiated. In an early stage on the basis of an field inventarisation a map of trees and shrubs was made. With the "Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging, afd. Breda" excursions aimed at inventarisation of smaller plants were made. On that basis during a full year an intensive biological investigation of flora and fauna by the Nature studygroup "Biota" in the Burgst-region was done. At Burgst and nearby Gageldonk archaeological excavations were organised that were done by members of the "Nederlandse Jeugdbond ter Bestudering van de Geschiedenis" under supervision of the State archaeological service. The first infra-red airphotographs of the Haagse Beemden were made on my request. Many times groups made excursions through the region, between them schoolclasses. The result of all these efforts was that in 1975 a completely new plan for the town-expansion into the region was accepted. This plan honnoured some of the historical and landscape values of the Haagse Beemden (plan prof. F.M.Maas = Buro Maas).

Supervision an courses given

Excursion of the course "Het Westbrabantse landschap lezen", April 21, 2012. Explanation at the foot of the escarpment of Bergen op Zoom near Calfven.

Reports on Cultural heritage in the landscape

On request of municipalities, landconsolidation committees and the Vlaams Gewest a number of reports on the Cultural heritage in the landscape was made. They can be found in the list of publications under "rapporten". These reports concern the cultural values in the landscape, but also the archaeological and architectural values. I tried to overcome the limitations of the point-line-plane surveys by giving more weight to the relationships between the "objects". In some reports I tried to come to a certain valuation of the objects and their relationships. In 2010 - 2022 I participated intensivly in the inventories for the Heritage Maps for the villages in the Stadsregio Eindhoven.


Publications about the historical geography of the Dutch province North-Brabant and the Belgian province Antwerp, but also concerning demography en astronomy.
See list of publications

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Version August 1, 2023