Some sites of historical-geographic interest

Historical geography of the region of the former duchy of Brabant

The introduction of barbed wire in the landscape of North-Brabant at the same moment of the disappearence of the demand for oak-bark (the leather-industry switched over to tanning with chrome) resulted in a much more open landscape. But also in the USA barbed wire had a deeply felt effect. More about this...

Old Maps of Brabant, the duchy and some parts of it.

The famous Ferrarismaps (Austrian Netherlands, ca. 1775) ca be seen in detail. With an overview map to find your way.

More old maps are on show in the maparchive of the Swedish army. That contains also maps of Dutch places!

The newest version of the maps of cultural heratage in de Dutch province op Nort-Brabant, the Cultural-Historical Values (CHW) in North-Brabant shows a only regional policies. More details seem to be there, but how do you get it?

Maps and pictures about North-Brabant can be found at the Topographical-Historical Atlas in Tilburg. Go to the catalogue! It shows you also a lot of other sources.

The oldest cadastrial maps of the Dutch gemeenten were made in the period 1810 - 1831. You can see them on the website WatWasWaar. You also find there the tables with data about owners and land use. Attention! The maps are grouped by "cadastrial gemeente", units that are not always identical to the normal gemeenten of around 1830. The site no longer exists. Downloading of data in a usable format is not longer possible. Right-click on the map + copy gives you a 512x512 pixel fragment of the map.

Mr. Hoendervangers presents a nice site about the castle of Wouw.

There is a special site for the boundary posts between Belgium and The Netherlands.

Barry Smith in the USA looks at the enclaves of Baarle from a philosophical corner.

Look also at the beginning site of the Ecomuseum en Archive van de Brickfactories at Boom

History of the region of the former duchy of Brabant

The Noordbrabants Historisch Jaarboek (North-Brabant historical yearbook) publishes articles (mostly in the Dutch language) about the history of the former duchy and specially about the province of North-Brabant. Since 1999 with summaries in English!

The Noord-Brabant Heritagecentre has a site with info about a wide spectre of historical activities in the province of Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands. In Dutch only!

Breda Entry to archives of the city of Breda in the province Noord-Brabant, and from here further...

The Municipal Museum of Hoogstraten has now also a nice site.

The Society for local history "Nicolaus Poppelius" of Weelde has an interesting historical site with many republished books and articles (in Dutch!).

Website of Hein Vera with texts of scores of customs, by-laws, regulations, instructions and laws from the Dutch province of North-Brabant and some genealogical sources.

Historical geography of the Low Countries

In 1843 the Grand-Duché de Luxembourg became devided. How that was done you can find out here.

De Mapbooks of the abbey of Herkenrode, made by Pieter Meysman in 1669 - 1685.

The Dutch Historical-Geographical Journal publishes in the Dutch language articles (with summaries in English) and signalizes literature about the historical geography, mostly of the Low Countries and surrounding regions.

The map databank of the collection maps and atlasses of the University Library Amsterdam and the Library and map collection of the Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap has images and descriptions of important cartographic documents.

Some of the maps of the Scientific Atlas of the Netherlands concern historical-geographical topics.

The image bank of the collection of maps and atlases of the Library of the University of Amsterdam and the Library and map collection of the Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap gives access to pictures and descriptions of a lot of remarkable cartographical sources.

The Tijdschrift voor Waterstaatsgeschiedenis (1992-2008). The papers are ordened alphabetically and chrolologically. With the FIND-function you can search with words from the titles. This site is in Dutch.

For the Dutch province Friesland / Fryslân an extensive historical geographical informationsysteem was develloped and filled with a lot of data. For 1832 and 1700 you will find rich data vindt down to parcel level. A nice piece of work of the Fryske Akademy!

Historical geography in general

The Permanent European Conference for the study of the Rural Landscape has now also a nice site.

ARKUM - Arbeitskreis für historische Kulturlandschaftsforschung in Mitteleuropa. On this site you can find an extensive bibliography of studies about Germany and some bordering countries.

The rich map collection Sammlung Ryhiner at Bern University hsows more then 16000 maps in high resolution.

H-RURAL encourages scholarly discussion of rural studies and makes available diverse bibliographical, research and teaching aids.

ICOMOS is an international organization of professionals dedicated to the conservation of the world's historic monuments and sites.

Hastings 1066 For who wants to know exactly where the Normans landed prior to the Battle of Hastings.

There is even a base historical GIS in the making for the last two thousand years of Chinese history!

Map History / History of Cartography - center of a lot of useful links!

Funded by the AHRC and created by Keith Lilley, Chris Lloyd and Steve Trick, the Digital atlas of the new towns of Edward I uses mapping as a medium to explore how urban landscapes were shaped in the middle ages. This atlas project has deepened understanding of the forms and formation of medieval towns, and is the first to have combined Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to map and analyse medieval urban landscapes.

During the "Enclosure"-period in Engeland many maps were made. On this web site more precise details about each individual map can be found.

Mattheus Brouërius van Nidek (1677-1742) is famous for his Atlas der Vereenigde Nederlandsche Provintien. A extensive site presents his work and live and that of the circle around him, a.o. Jacob Stellingwerf. (In Dutch)

A lot of websites with Historical Maps are listed at the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection of the University of Texas at Austin.

The French-Canadians are very interested in their old roads as avenues for colonisation.

The Institut für Europäische Geschichte in Mainz presents digital basic maps of the division of Europe in states, 1820 - 1914, and much more.


ArcheoNet Vlaanderen is the central site for the Archaeology in Flanders. It is an initiative of some young archaeologists that deserves all sympathy. The site presents varied information concerning all domains of archaelogy in Flanders.

Industriële archeologie in België. Industrial archaeology in Belgium.

The catalogue of the library of the Cultural Heritage Agency (Rijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed) is now accessable over the Net.

The municipality of Dordrecht has (in Dutch) a nice WEBSITE ARCHEOLOGY .

Hans de Kievith had an extended site about the pottery research in Breda.

Environmental History

Environmental history from European perspective: ESEH

The Environmental History Homesite provides insights and resources of world environmental history, but with a focus on northwestern Europe.

The American Society for Environmental History (ASEH) was founded in 1977 to promote research, teaching and publication in the field of environmental history, with special attention to fostering dialogue between humanistic scholarship and environmental science.

On-line library about Environmental history at the Forest History Society

More general

The Stichting Brabants Heem unites more than 110 local history circles in the Dutch province of North-Brabant (and some in the Belgian province of Antwerp), that have together about 23.000 members. "Brabants Heem" has in the province a unique position in promoting and coordination of activities concerning local history and folklore. (Only in Dutch!)

A fast route to the cultural heritage of the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant is the Erfgoedhuis. For the cultural history of North-Brabant you can also go to Thuis in Brabant.(in Dutch)

Grotefend is famous for his translations of medaeval dates to modern dates. Now also on Internet!

The Stichting Historic Future te Naarden republishes old journals (like Taxandria Noord-Brabant) and other usefull publications (like the inventories of the archives of the Streekarchief Land van Heusden en Altena) on CDrom. Further info on th site of the Stichting. Note: these publications are all in Dutch, with some texts in Latin or other languages.

The website of the Netwerk Naamkunde is aimed at people interested in names and name-giving, and more specific at a members of the Dutch and Flemish Netwerk Naamkunde.

The medical-historical collection "The village doctor in former times" in Museum De Doornboom in Hilvarenbeek is a -in the South of the Netherlands even unique- collection about the history of the medical care and especially that in the rural areas during the period 1800 - 1945.

The Documenting Environmental Change project aims to promote interdisciplinary work on historical environmental change by facilitating contacts and the exchange of information between scholars at the University of Cambridge and in the wider world.

Schleswich-Holstein (Germany) has a rich history site, with a little encyclopaedia with among a lot more texts about peatdigging and oxen roads.

THE AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY COLLECTION Gives lists of geographical (sometimes hist-geo) publications.

H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Our edited lists and web sites publish peer reviewed essays, multimedia materials, and discussion for colleagues and the interested public.

ORB is a cooperative effort on the part of scholars across the internet to establish an online textbook source for medieval studies on the World-Wide Web. It should serve all aspects of medieval studies.

A PERIODICAL HISTORICAL ATLAS has been made complete from AD 1 to AD 2000. Follow the link to HISTORICAL ATLAS to see what they made of it...

"Historical Research in Europe : A Guide to Archives and Libraries" is a database of archival and library resources in Europe. The focus is on Western Europe.
The database is updated periodically and links are maintained.

Sometimes you can find historical, historical-geographical of archaeological news from my region in:

These links were alive on July 30th, 2013.

Version August 1st, 2023.

© Copyright : dr K.A.H.W. Leenders