Grupstra, N..

Typologie en groei van nederzettingen in de provincie Overijssel tussen 1840 en 2012.

Historisch Geografisch Tijdschrift 33 (2015) 15 - 37.

Nederzettingen in Nederland lijken vandaag de dag vaak sterk op elkaar doordat er in geringe mate wordt gevarieerd in wijkopzet en bouwstijl. Toch is dit pas een verschijnsel van de laatste 75 jaar. Tot de Tweede Wereldoorlog werd de vorm en ligging van veel nederzettingen hoofdzakelijk bepaald door de natuurlijke gesteldheid van de omgeving. Nieuwe data maken het mogelijk het ontwikkelingsproces van nederzettingen in Overijssel gedurende de afgelopen 150 jaar te volgen en te kwantificeren.

Development of settlements in the province of Overijssel. A classification into settlement types and subsequent growth-analysis of these types in Overijssel.

The recently composed cultural heritage map of the province of Overijssel comprises sets of data pertaining to the types of settlements and to the growth of settlements since 1840 AD. The two sets of data were used to compare the growth of the different types of settlements. Until now, research on this subject has shown a positive correlation between the growth of settlements and their infrastructural connections by waterways (19th century), railways (1870-1940) and roads (1950-present). The new data presented in this paper suggest a two-way relationship: infrastructure speeds growth, but the type of settlement determines partly if this infrastructure will be developed. Besides, some settlements didn't grow as a result of infrastructure, but because of social developments, like people moving to the countryside from the 1960's on. Again, some types of settlement were more suitable for these developments than others.

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