Raap, E..

Focus op Landschap. Op zoek naar het Nederland uit onze jeugd?

Historisch geografisch tijdschrift 31 (2013) 16 - 20.

Een collectie landschapsfoto's zonder plaatsbepaling uit de jaren '70 van de vorige eeuw vormde liet uitgangpunt van een herfotografieproject. Samen met bewoners zijn de projectpartners Landschapsbeheer Nederland, Landschap Noord-Holland en de Stichting Kunst en Openbare Ruimte (SKOR) op zoek gegaan naar ruim 120 locaties in Noord-Holland. Moderne hulpmiddelen als websites en een iPhone-App ondersteunden ons bij de zoektocht. Wat is er in 35 jaar veranderd in ons landschap en wat vertelt ons dat over de omgang ermee? Vanaf nu in het HGT een rubriek 'toen en nu'.

Focus on Landscape - in search of the Netherlands of our childhood

A collection of landscape photographs of great artistic value dating from the 1970's formed the basis for a re-photograph project in the province of North-Holland. The exact locations of the photos were unknown, so the help of the public was called on. An iPhone App and a special website were developed (www.focusoplandschap.nl) in order to support them. In 2 years time we were able to locate more than half of the sites where the photos were taken. It resulted in a unique insight into the changes in the landscape over a period of 35 years. We brought up the results in a discussion with local and provincial politicians: what do the changes tell us about our appreciation of the landscape and what lessons can be learned from the project for the future? Finally, a professional photographer was assigned the task to give her opinion on the present landscape. Her comment on the present landscape, taking the old situation as a starting point, again is of great artistic value. From this issue on, the 'HGT' will present old and new pictures and will comment on them.

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