Hengst, P. de.

Dorpen tussen Hondsrug en Hunze. Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van de 'drie Larens'.

Historisch-geografisch tijdschrift 28 (2010) 56 - 67.

De naam 'Laren' werd misschien al rond het begin van de jaartelling gebruikt voor de langgerekte nederzetting gelegen bij een bocht in de rivier de Hunze. Over een periode van wel duizend jaar ontstonden hier uiteindelijk de 'drie Larens', de dorpen Noordlaren, Midlaren en Zuidlaren. Door de synthese van archeologische, geografische en historische gegevens kon de bewoningsgeschiedenis van de streek worden gereconstrueerd.

Villages between Hondsrug and Hunze. Origin and development of the 'three Larens'

On the boundary between the provinces of Drenthe and Groningen lie the villages of Noordlaren, Midlaren and Zuidlaren, also known as the three Larens. A recent archaeological excavation exposed a settlement (De Bloemert) which was permanently occupied from about 400 BC until 1000 AD. In order to put this village into a regional historical context, an integrated study into the archaeology, geography and history of the region was performed. For many centuries, people considered the site of De Bloemert an attractive place to live because here in the old days the river Hunze skirted the sandy flanks of the Hondsrug ridge. From this settlement emerged the villages of Midlaren and Noordlaren in the Carolingian period, while at the same time the village of Zuidlaren came into existence. After the year 1000, the dominance of the town of Groningen made itself felt in the region. Large areas of the Hondsrug were taken into production for the growing of corn, probably to feed the inhabitants of this town. Around 1150 the influence of Groningen led to the establishment of the border between Groningen and Drenthe. At the same time the increased importance of territoriality led to the establishment of the marken, the local communes.

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