E. Heere, M. Storms

Het kadaster van 1832 op lnternet.

Historisch Geografisch Tijdschrift 22 (2004) 98 - 108.

Eind 2003 is de website 'De Woonomgeving' gelanceerd. Het project 'De Woonomgeving' is een initiatief van de DIVA (Vereniging voor de documentaire informatievoorziening en het archiefwezen) en beoogt de ontsluiting van de kadastrale minuutplans uit 1832 met de bijbehorende OAT's (Oorspronkelijk Aanwijzende Tafels). In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de mogelijkheden die 'De Woonomgeving' biedt.

The cadastral plans of 1832 on Internet.

At the end of 2003 the website 'De Woonomgeving' (Our living surroundings) was realised. In the project 'De Woonomgeving' makes the series of the oldest Dutch cadastral plans of 1832 and the accessory tables digitally accessible. By zooming in on a map of the Netherlands the different cadastral municipalities and sections appear. By clicking on the map a detailed digital picture of the cadastral map of that location is shown. Also digital pictures of the tables can be viewed. Beside these basic functionalities a number of pilot projects are added to the website. Most of the pilots contain vectorised cadastral plans on which the tabular information is linked. Some pilots have pre-cadastral information linked to these vectorised maps. Some other pilots are not directly linked to the cadastral maps. These pilots contain property maps, aerial photographs and topographical maps. For researchers, the website is the most useful when information of different pilots can be combined for a certain region.

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